Hi! Thank you for visiting. Equator Aircraft AS is currently being re-structured, a new web site and lay out is being developed to represent the current situation.
We Design, Build and Test Experimental Aircraft Solutions and are specialized in electric propulsion integration and carbon composite construction prototyping techniques. We have devoted substantial ressources to construct and build the worlds first electric seaplane. The technology demonstrator is currently in a test and verification stage to assess the viability of the concepts that will lead the way to a mass produced highly attractive aircraft and propulsion system
Key Areas of Research
Aerodynamic & Hydrodynamic Efficiency
State-of-the Art Aero- and Hydrodynamics
High Level of Safety
Aircraft and Propulsion Systems built at the highest standards
Material Technology
Corrosion and Maintenance Free Super Light and Strong Construction
Automated Cockpit
The Optimal User Interfaces to learn how to fly in weeks, not months
Electric Power
Innovative electric propulsion systems that allow longer endurance on pure electric power
Utility and Functions
A flexible and optimized interior never before seen in aviation
© Equator Aircraft AS // 2025
Contact // mail@equatoraircraft.com // +47 970 39 469